Yes, most days between 1.15pm and 2.45pm but please contact us to arrange an appointment.
As a professional and licensed boarding kennels and cattery, we have to comply with rules laid down by The Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and inspected by officers from the local authority. These rules are to protect the health and welfare of pets and includes that all pets must be vaccinated to stay at boarding kennels and catteries. Please ensure that pets have the correct vaccinations given at the correct time before boarding; for example a dog given the kennel cough nasal vaccination for the first
time or has lapsed cannot come to kennels for three weeks after this first vaccinations.
All dogs need the ‘core’ canine UK vaccines for:
• Canine distemper virus, CDV
• Canine parvovirus infection, CPV
• Infectious canine hepatitis, respectively ICH previously known a CAV
The ‘non-core’ canine vaccines required before boarding are canine leptospirosis either L2 or L4 on the advice of the animal’s veterinary surgeon and Bordetella bronchiseptica (kennel cough).
All cats need the ‘core’ Uk vaccines:
• Feline Calicivirus (FCV)
• Feline Herpesvirus (FHV)
• Feline Panleucopenia/Infectious Enteritis (Feline Parvovirus)( FPV)
The ‘non-core’ vaccines which is required before boarding a cat is Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV)
Annual booster required with no admittance to cattery or kennels within two weeks of booster or the end of a primary course.
We will ask your emergency contact to take your pet to your vet for treatment. If this is not possible especially in an emergency we will take them to your vet or our own vet. In the first instance we will always try to contact you first but sometimes this is not possible, and we will always put the welfare of your pet first If your emergency contact cannot take your pet to your vet we will take them for a fee based on standard mileage currently, 45p per mile, plus staff time.
We administer medication according to your vet’s instructions. Medication is kept in a pet medicine cupboard. Any medication should be sent in its original packaging. If medication is required outside the hours of 7.00am to 7.00pm there will be an additional charge for this service.
We have a large three-acre exercise field which is used purely for dog walking and play. This field is secure with 6ft fencing all around. Dogs are exercised on or off the lead, with other dogs or alone, according to need.
Yes, you are welcome to bring a blanket, toys/chews or treats; however, they are left at your own risk. We are unable to take dog beds.